Given two undirected graphs $G_1=(V,E_1)$ and $G_2=(V,E_2)$ over the same set of Vertices $V$ and a weight function $w: E_1 cup E_2 rightarrow mathbb{R}$, let $P = left{e_1, e_2, …, e_n right}$ be a path in $(V, E_1 cup E_2)$. We sat that P is alternating if for any $1 leq i < n$ at least one of the following two conditions hold:
- $e_i in E_1, e_{i+1} in E_2$
- $e_i in E_2, e_{i+1} in E_1$
Write a DP algorithm that given $G_1, G_2$, returns the weights of the shortest alternating paths between all pairs of vertices in $V$
OK so I sat on this question for a long time but I can’t seem to figure out how to do solve it. Since this is a shortest path between all pairs I tried to think of a solution which uses Floyd-Warshall algorithm, but I can’t figure out how to factor in the addition of the alternating path. Every solution I think of fails when inserting special Edge Cases. Can anyone give a hint as to how to proceed?
Asked By : user475680
Answered By : Yuval Filmus
Best Answer from StackOverflow
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