Problem Detail: Mr. and Mrs. Smith, a married couple, invited 9 other married couples to a party. (So the party consisted of 10 couples.) There was a round of handshaking, but no one shook hand with his or her spouse. Afterwards, Mrs. Smith asked everyone except herself, “how many persons have you shaken hands with?” All 19 answers were different. Unfortunately, when I try to simulate a smaller problem with 3 couples, I am getting that each couple is shaking 4 hands. Here is the diagram:
As you can see both a1 and a2 have 4 blue lines each that are “attached” (ie they shake hands) to the other couples. Both b1 and b2 have 2 red lines and 2 blue lines. Do we count the blue lines again adding it to the 2 red lines giving us that b1 and b2 have 4 lines attached or do we just ignore the blue lines connecting to b1 and b2 and say that both b1 and b2 shake 2 hands each? Both c1 and c2 also have 2 blue and 2 red lines. I meant to have blue lines designated for a1 and a2, and the red lines for b1 and b2. Does that mean that c1 and c2 have shaken 0 hands each? Or do I try another few lines attaching the c’s to the a’s and b’s? Another problem with the approach above is that each couple has the same number of handshakes even though that is not possible according to the question. I would appreciate any clarification on the question and what exactly am I doing wrong. Thanks.

Asked By : user2635911
Answered By : Yuval Filmus
Here is a solution for two couples, $m_1,w_1$ and $m_2,w_2$. The edges are $(m_1,w_2),(w_1,w_2)$. The degrees are $1,1,0,2$ (in the order $m_1,w_1,m_2,w_2$). Here is a solution for three couples, $m_1,w_1,m_2,w_2,m_3,w_3$. The edges are $(m_1,w_2),(w_1,w_2),(m_1,w_3),(w_1,w_3),(m_2,w_3),(w_2,w_3)$. The degrees are $2,2,1,3,0,4$. Hopefully you can generalize this construction to an arbitrary number of couples. If not, you can always try running the Havel–Hakimi algorithm, trying to avoid connecting a husband to his wife.
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Question Source : http://cs.stackexchange.com/questions/27507