[Solved]: Extra space of MergeSort

Problem Detail: Here is my implementation of mergeSort. I need n extra space for the helper array. But what about recursive calls? I call sort log n times. mergeRoutine is a tail call, and it doesn’t add to the call stack. The extra space I need equals to n + log n. How can the extra space be O(n)? I think we just consider log n negligible.

public class MergeSort {      private int[] array;     private int[] helper;      public MergeSort() {         this.array = array;         this.helper = new int[array.length];     }      public void sort() {         sort(0, array.length - 1);     }      private void sort(int start, int end) {         if (end > start) {             int middle = (start + end) / 2;             sort(start, middle);             sort(middle + 1, end);             mergeRoutine(start, middle, end);         }     }      private void mergeRoutine(int start, int middle, int end) {         for (int i = start; i <= end; i++) {             helper[i] = array[i];         }         int k = start;         int i = start;         int j = middle + 1;         while (i <= middle && j <= end) {             if (helper[i] <= helper[j]) {                 array[k] = helper[i];                 i++;             } else {                 array[k] = helper[j];                 j++;             }             k++;         }          // Copy the rest. Either of the while loops works, not both.         while (i <= middle) {             array[k] = helper[i];             i++;             k++;         }     } } 
Asked By : Maksim Dmitriev

Answered By : jkff

$O(n)$ denotes the set of all functions $f(n)$ that are, for sufficiently large $n$, at most a constant factor larger than $n$. The notation $f(n) = O(n)$ is confusing because it really means $f(n) in O(n)$. E.g. $2n+5 in O(n)$, $n/2 in O(n)$, $sqrt{n} in O(n)$, $n + log n in O(n)$ (the latter, because indeed $log n$ is negligible compared to $n$, e.g. $n + log n < 2n$ and $2n in O(n)$). However, $n^2 notin O(n)$ because there’s no constant $k$ that can make $n^2 < k n$ for all sufficiently large $n$.
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