n| 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 x| 8 | 3 | 11| 5 s| 9 | 4 | 2 | 1
The most optimal solution here would be to reboot on day 2, so that we can perform 8 work on day 1, 9 work on day 3, and 4 work on day 4 for a total of 21. This seems somewhat similar to the partition problem but I am having trouble coming up with a recurrence relation I can convert to dynamic programming. If we say that our final reboot occurs on day $i$, then our maximum work should be the amount of work done from days $i$ to $n$ plus the maximum work we can do on days $1$ to $i-1$. So if we say $M[x_1…x_m,s_1…s_n]$ represents the maximum amount of work we can do on days $1$ to $m$, I write the following recurrence relationship: $$M[x_1…x_m,s_1…s_n] = max_{i=1}^m{M[x_1…x_{i-1},s_1…s_n]+R[i]}$$ Where $R[i]$ is simply the max amount of work you can do from days $i$ to $n$ without rebooting, which is simple to calculate. Does this seem like it is a valid recurrence relation? Also, I am not quite sure what my base cases would be. Perhaps that $M[x,s] = {x$ if $s geq x$ else $s}$? I am not sure if this covers all possibilities though.
Asked By : flubsy
Answered By : kentilla
let OPT[0...n] be a new array of n+1 elements OPT[0] = 0, OPT[1] = min(s[1], x[1]) for i = 2 to n m = -infinity for j = 1 to i-1 l = 0 for k = j+1 to i do l = l + min(s[k-j], x[k]) l = l + OPT[j-1] if l > m then m = l OPT[i] = m return OPT[n]
There is also a $O(n^2)$ solution based on a matrix of subproblems. Define $OPT(i, j)$ as the maximum from day $i$ to $n$ with last reboot done $j$ days before, more exactly on $i-j$ day. For every day $i$ you have to consider these alternatives:
- you have a reboot. So on day $i$ you cannot process anything: $OPT(i,j) = OPT(i+1, 1)$
- go on with processing: $OPT(i,j) = minleft{s_j, x_iright} + OPT(i+1, j+1)$
Because it’s of no use reboot on last day, you have $OPT(n,j) = minleft{s_j, x_nright}$. This last approach is taken from Mangat Rai’s work, a user that shared a collection of solutions to Kleinberg’s book problems, although the first one i reported is also very close to what you can find there. I suggest you to do a web search for it (no official site as far as i know).
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Question Source : http://cs.stackexchange.com/questions/48980