[Solved]: Visualize Graph Clusters

Problem Detail: I am working on my thesis which involves using ant based techniques for graph clustering. I am testing the algorithm currently and I was wondering if there is a way that I can visualize the clusters of a given graph. In this case, I have the graph as a file and another file corresponding to the clustering where each node is given its cluster. Is there a software using which I can visualize this graph where nodes belonging to the same cluster have like the same color or something? The graph is represented as an edge list, or in the “.net” format or Graph Modelling Language “.gml” format. I know there are a lot of programs out there for networks such as gephi, graphviz, networkx, pajek etc but I don’t know how to do this. Any help/ideas would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!

Asked By : muddy

Answered By : D.W.

You could use graphviz. Its input format allows you to specify the color for each vertex. You could write a simple script to take the specification of the graph and the clustering, and output a .dot file that lists the vertices and edges and specifies an appropriate color for each vertex (based upon your clustering).
Best Answer from StackOverflow

Question Source : http://cs.stackexchange.com/questions/18596

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