Design the Relational Schema for the E-R diagram that you have drawn for part Question 1. The relations must be at least in 2 NF. Perform the following on the relations : Identify the Primary keys of all the relations.

A primary key is a column in a table that uniquely identifies the rows in that table.

In the above ER-Diagram there are 5 Primary Key :

  • c_code → (c_name, course_fees)
    Attribute c_code uniquely identifies each row in course table. So c_code is the Primary Key of the course table.
  • f_code → (f_name, f_address, f_phone, f_qualification)
    Attribute f_code uniquely identifies each row in faculty table. So f_code is the Primary Key of the faculty table.
  • s_code → (s_name, s_address, s_phone)
    Attribute s_code uniquely identifies each row in student table. So s_code is the Primary Key of the student table.
  • exam_code → (week_number, full_marks)
    Attribute exam_code uniquely identifies each row in test_schedule table. So exam_code is the Primary Key of the test_schedule table.
  • class_code → (duration, class_type, date_and_time)
    Attribute class_code uniquely identifies each row in classes table. So class_code is the Primary Key of the classes table.

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