Ans :
The Dynamic Domain Name System (DDNS) is a protocol that defines extensions to
the DNS in order to enable the DNS servers to accept the requests to add, update and
delete entries in the DNS database dynamically. Because DDNS offers a functional
superset to existing DNS servers, a DDNS server can serve both static and dynamic
domains at the same time. Rather than allowing any host to update its DNS records,
the secure version of DDNS uses public key security and digital signatures to
authenticate update requests from DDNS hosts.
Three common utilities for querying name servers are provided with many DNS
1) Host obtains an IP address associated with a host name or a host name associated
with an IP address.
2) Nslookup allows you to locate information about network nodes, examine the
contents of a name server database and establish the accessibility of name servers.
3) Hig allows you to exercise name servers, gather large volumes of domain name
information, and execute simple domain name queries. DIG stands for Domain
Internet Groper.
The following RFCs define the Domain Name System standard and the information
kept in the system:
1) RFC 1032 – Domain Administrator’s Guide
2) RFC 1033 – Domain Administrator Operations Guide
3) RFC 1034 – Domain Names – Concepts and Facilities
4) RFC 1035 – Domain Names – Implementation and Specification
5) RFC 1101 – DNS Encoding of Networks Names and Other Types.